1. Toothpaste (regular paste–not gel) - This one’s my first pick always, it also helps clean up permanent marker stains pretty easily.
2. Artgum Eraser –gently rub on marks in a circular motion, can also try a regular pencileraser. Done carefully, this might be an option for wallpaper stains.
3. Baking Soda –make a paste with water and use it to gently scrub the mark. You couldalso just sprinkle baking soda on a damp sponge and rub.
4. Baby Oil –apply directly to crayon stains then rub off.
5. Mayonnaise –Glob some on the stain and scrub a bit in a circular motion, then wipe off.
6. Shaving Cream –apply to markings, rub in, then wipe off.
7. WD-40 –spray some on the marks and rub off. Wash walls with hot soapy water once thecrayon has been removed.
8. Turpentine –dab some on a damp cloth and scrub into stain to remove crayon.
9. Lighter Fluid –apply as you would turpentine
10. Goo Gone –Same directions as for turpentine
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