(Sung To: I'm a little Teapot)
I'm a great big owl,
as you can see
I live high up in a tree.
All the other birds wake me up when they play,
Because I like to sleep in the day
Since our camping trip a few weekends ago, Master 2 has become obsessed with listening and looking out for Owls at night time. So much so that it has become a bit of a Saturday night ritual since that we take the torches out for a quick walk and try to Owl Spot in the surrounding trees. At our weekly library visit this week we were on an Owl hunt to find some interesting books to read. We manged to find a number of them and so have been Owl-ing about all week.

Last night I had found this cute Owl sandwich (Little Food Junction) to make for Master 2 to have for lunch. He thought it was hoot-astic!
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