Being the holidays and a special friend's birthday it was a wonderful chance to have a party! (any excuse really!) The children were very excited and all the girls looked very cute dressed in their fairy dresses. Not to mention the wonderful mad Hatter herself! We spent the morning decorating top hats for the children to wear at the table which they really enjoyed. A combination of stick ons and lettering made for a great fine-motor skill activity while having lots of fun. The children sat down to the table that was decorated as a Tea Party with each of them having their own tea and saucer.(bought at the charity shop) We filled the tea pot with juice and enjoyed a range of pretty butterfly cupcakes, fairy bread in the shape of diamonds and hearts, tea cup biscuits,party pies and sausages rolls and fruit kebabs. The children then spent the rest of the party playing in the cubby which I had set up as a tea party.
massage therapy is not a luxury, it's a necessity.